Predictive Back Gestures are being developed by Google.
SPONSORED LINK wonder leaf CBD oil for penile growth wonder leaf CBD oil near me wonder leaf CBD oil uses wonder leaf CBD how to use wonder leaf CBD oil Get More Information One of the events at Google I/O 2022 , which starts on Wednesday, May 11th and finishes the following day, is "Back to the fundamentals of System Back," which will take place on Thursday, May 12th at 9 a.m. PT/12 p.m. ET. "Discover how the future of Android will help you design predictive back navigation coupled with appealing animations," Google noted in the event announcement. At Google I/O, Google will host a session to explore a predictive back gesture for Android – To enhance Android, Google is working on predictive back gestures. To put it another way, Google looks to be working on "predictive back navigation," which sounds like a f...